
March FORTH!

Photo by Samuel Wu00f6lfl on

This morning, I glanced at my phone to see today’s date:  March 4th.  MARCH 4th?  What year is it?  2024?  Oh, my goodness!  30 years ago today, I “marched forth” to the divorce attorney after making a certain, but not 100 percent certain, serious life choice.  I didn’t know what my future as a young divorcée would look like, but I knew it would be better.  I chose hopeful uncertainty.

In retrospect, I couldn’t have IMAGINED what my future life would look like for me, when I was only 23.  I remember thinking my biggest problem would be that “no guy would want me” because I was divorced.  That was a fictitious philosophy paling in comparison to the unexpected upshots to come.

I found out, less than a month after the divorce was final, I was going to be laid off by the company my father and I both worked at; and my parents (whom I returned to live with) would be moving with said company from New Jersey to North Carolina.  I, too, decided to move down South for a fresh start, but I couldn’t secure a job for almost six months!  I wanted so badly to resume working for the same company that released me (I guess I wanted desperately to cling to something familiar from my past).  I couldn’t.  Though I had secured a very challenging, experience-rich, yet low-paying position as a software trainer at a computer learning center, I still kept my eyes and ears open for jobs with my former employer.

One day, a position opened up in the Controllers department, working in the Revenue area.  I had never taken a finance or accounting class in my LIFE.  I was a word girl, not a numbers diva.  As it turned out, the job I was least qualified for was the one I received.  How odd!  I took it and had a blast working with amazing people in the office and via email around the world…including Paulo Nogueira, my hubby, from Santos, Brazil!

After leaving that company, daily phone calls with Paulo, $600 phone bills, moving back to NJ for my dream job, another trip to Brazil, Paulo’s unfruitful tourist visa interview, and an engagement over the phone, I learned “one guy did want me”!  Paulo and I will be happily married twenty-five years this May!

What do you need to MARCH FORTH with today?  Is it to ask that someone special on a date?  Is it to go to Europe alone because nobody you know shares that dream?  Is it to leave the comfortable job for the one you’ve always dreamed of?  Is it to sign up for a realtor class?  Is it to adopt?  Is it to join a weight loss program?  Is it to try liver?  Is it to ask someone for help?  Whatever it is, if you know in your heart your life would be better if you marched forth and took that action, even though you don’t know what the future looks like, DO IT ANYWAY and DO IT NOW!  Life is too short.  The number of our days is only known to the Lord.  Stop living wondering.

I didn’t know all of the hurdles I’d have to jump through on my way to happiness, but hurdles are still better than living life feeling unfulfilled.  So, don’t delay.  Ask God for the strength and courage. Don’t fear the future. March forth into a wonderful, uncertain life!


“That You may say to the prisoners, ‘Go forth,’ To those who are in darkness, ‘Show yourselves.’ “They shall feed along the roads, And their pastures shall be on all desolate heights.” Isaiah 49:9 New King James Version (NKJV)

A Gift We Don’t Often Think About

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
1 Peter 4:10

In prayer today, I was standing at the sliding doors at the back of my house, looking with awe at God’s creation.  It’s still winter, but I can clearly see the amazing variety of trees dotting my property line.  That got me thinking; then it got me thanking…

God cares about us so much that He gave us the trees!  They’re beautiful to look at.  They shade us in the sun.  They entertain us by the changing of their colors.  They make us desire their green leaves after a long winter.  However, the greatest gift God presented us with when He created the trees was OXYGEN!

We breath in the oxygen produced by a tree’s leaves.  Wait!  What about the winter, when there are no leaves on most trees?  God thought of everything!  Lucky for us, there are evergreen trees that produce a little oxygen via their needles.  The opposing hemisphere has opposite seasons, providing the earth with a continuous production of oxygen.  Also, the phytoplankton in the ocean create some O2 as well!  Didn’t the Creator of the Universe think of everything?

God naturally created us to be excellent stewards of His gifts. No matter what He blesses us with, He wants us to give back—even to trees!  We all know that when we exhale, we expel carbon dioxide.  This is how the trees breathe!  Without us even thinking about it, God designed man to receive His gifts (in this case, oxygen) and to selflessly give back.  There’s no way we can stop the process of creating CO2 for trees while we are alive!  There’s no way we can stop the process of giving!  I never thought about it this way!

As we go about our day, wouldn’t it be amazing if we could be aware of other things God has gifted us and make a point to bless others with them?  After all, He modeled it for us in the way He created the symbiotic relationship between humans and trees! 

Do you play a musical instrument?  Play for others!  Bring them joy and bring down their stress levels.

Are you good with numbers?  Help a friend or volunteer to assist others with their tax preparation.

Do you understand thick accents and want to help non-native English speakers?  Tutor someone in ESL.

Are you a real Bob the Builder?  Join a Habitat for Humanity build.

Do you make a mean apple pie?  Make two and give one to someone who least expects it.

Are you funny?  Post your humorous thoughts on social media!  You never know who needs a smile.

There are countless gifts God has doled out to mankind; thus, there are countless ways we can give back to others using our God-given talents and abilities.  The more you practice this way of life, the more automatic it becomes…like the oxygen cycle between people and trees!

Listening to God

Journaling my prayer time, I heard in my spirit:

Come outside!  I’ve got something I want to share…

I’m making music for you and my music is eternal.  It’s always available to you:  the rustling of the leaves;  the chirping of the birds;  the water ripples hitting the edge of the pond.  It’s so peaceful—especially beneath the layers of man-made noise:  tires gripping the pavement and speeding down the road; car doors slamming; screeches of school buses coming to a halt to stop and cart off little ones to school; keyboards clicking;  coffee makers brewing.  toilets flushing.  news blaring from the TV in the other room;  baby toys startlingly pumping out clumsy melodies.

“Step outside!” the Lord said.  Come out here where we can have some uninterrupted time.  I’ve got a new harmony for you to hear.  The Canadian geese have flown in for the concert.  They are making their descent now, ready to—SPLASH—join the crows and the cardinals and the mourning doves in the song.  Listen.  Block out the sounds inside and ignore the cars and kids and clicks of heels.  Listen.  Enjoy.  This is my music and I made it for you, before any of the other sounds my sons and daughters have made.  It is pure.  It is holy.  It is a gift—but you’ll only receive it if you come outside and join me.

Coffee: American Idol?

Coffee. That rich, dark, bold, steaming-hot, unmistakably-aromatic, social staple has become MY idol! I just love it…a little too much! I realized the worship I’ve given it and the power it has over me…and that’s not good! Plus, it takes up time better spent on other meaningful things.

Maybe you’re feeling the same! And ask yourself: Is it the coffee…or what’s in the coffee: sugar, cream, flavored creamers, etc .?

I want to be able to pass on a cup offered to me or be about my daily business and realize, “Oh! I didn’t have a cup of coffee!” Instead, whether I’m going out in the morning or staying home, having a cup with me in the AM is a given.

But the PAIN of going off caffeine is horrible! Ever have a caffeine withdrawal? Ugh! I’m going to taper it down slowly. That’s hard for me because when I make my mind up on something, I want to do it yesterday! But this year will be different. It’s going to be about stretching goals out a bit, easing into things more, and discipline (my 2023 One Word).

Do you want to decrease your coffee intake? Take what you’re already having and divide it by 1/4 this week. For example, I’m currently consuming 2 mugs (coffee pot to the 4 line) daily. I use 2 scoops of grinds normally. Today, I’m replacing a 1/4 of the coffee with decaf. Not a huge change. Then, next week, I’ll decrease it by another 1/4. Hopefully, by the end of the month, I’ll experience the freedom to have a cup of coffee…or not…free from headaches.

Is coffee YOUR idol? Join me and let’s support each other!!!

♥️ Thanks to my lovely friend @pastor_liz_rodriguez for her inspiration! ♥️

The Vitamin We Need to Live…Eternally!

The other day, a friend of mine sent me a link to a video about COVID-19 and Vitamin D.  In this video, Idaho doctor Ryan Cole tells his audience Vitamin D helps prevent the common cold, COVID-19, and even death. You see, every cell of the human body has receptors for Vitamin D. Every single cell needs one thing, the same thing: Vitamin D. And where does Vitamin D come from? The light that shines on the people of the earth: the sun.

So, what does this have to do with living eternally? Well, Vitamin D, or lack of it, could lead one to death. In the same way, a lack of Jesus will lead us to death, and not one in paradise! He saved us from eternal damnation. He is the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father (God) in heaven except through Him. Jesus, in a sense, is our spiritual Vitamin D! Every cell of our bodies needs Him. Without Him, we cannot enter the gates of heaven someday, as we are sinners. Jesus was the only perfect person to walk the face of the earth. He was sent to this world to teach us about God, how to live, and heaven. He performed miracles, healed the sick, and changed lives. Jesus was and still is the “nutrient” we need for a purpose-filled life and a future with Him in paradise when we die.

Scientists tell us how Vitamin D helps our health. The Bible tells us how Jesus helps our souls. On the last day of His life, Jesus offered himself as a sacrifice, like a Passover lamb, to pay the price for our sins. That selfless act of surrender, the torturous beating that occurred, the painful carrying of the heavy wooden beam, the excruciating suffering of His flesh hanging by nails on the cross, and finally death, is what gave the generations the right to enter the Kingdom of God one day.

How do we get this nutrient, this Jesus-brand of Vitamin D? It’s simple. Look at Romans 10:9-10 in the Bible:

“Because, if you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes and is justified, and with the mouth one confesses and is saved.”

Confess Jesus is Lord + Believe God raised Him from the dead = Receive Salvation

When Jesus died on the cross, He made our salvation possible. When we accept Him, we are saved from going to Hell. It is as easy as taking a vitamin, like Vitamin D! From then on, the Son of God will continue to shine down on us like the sun in the sky. We absorb the goodness He radiates into every cell of our bodies. This protects us from the evil one until we meet Him for eternal life in heaven!

Now, for some “nerdy” observations:

The etymology of the word “vitamin” is a combination of the Latin “vita” or life and “amine”, which comes from the English term amino acid, a building block of protein. Proteins are essential for life. Amino acids in the right combination can take the place of proteins. This is why my Brazilian husband grew up on a diet of rice and beans every day! Together, the amino acids in the two make up for lack of a true protein. Jesus is like the complete protein…life-giving. We are like the solitary amino acids…not able to have life on our own. Jesus substituted His life for ours. He is the beans scooped over our incomplete meal of rice. Without Him, we would die. With Him we have life!  

The type of Vitamin D doctors prescribe is D3. In the case of salvation, the D stands for “death” on the cross for 3 hours, at 3 PM, and He rose from the dead on the third day. Jesus is our personal, life-giving Vitamin D3!

Own a “Corona”

woman in blue gown wearing blue crown

Photo by Paul Kerby Genil on

The word “corona” can be translated into many languages as the word for crown.  Society regularly places invisible crowns on world leaders, athletes, and those in the entertainment industry.

In this time of the COVID-19 pandemic, people have placed new crowns on the heads of doctors, nurses, EMTs, and all in the medical profession–and rightfully so.  Today I saw a meme on Facebook lauding truck drivers and supermarket employees–yes. We are so thankful for them, as well.  Teachers, too, have been coronated for their amazing adaptability from classroom educators to on-line facilitators.  Finally, parents of school-aged children, who never intended to stay home to educate their children, while working from home and trying to balance it all, have earned their crowns through social media.

What about you?  Did you get your crown?  While we see the extraordinary efforts of others during the current pandemic, feelings of inadequacy can plague others.
Who, you ask?

  • The unemployed (before Coronavirus)
  • The unemployed (because of Coronavirus)
  • The elderly
  • The homemakers without young children

I will admit the last bullet point is my current situation!  In my own family, I have a husband who works from home in the transportation industry, a son working in the fast food circuit, and a daughter who just took on a position in a supermarket.  All of these are considered “essential services”.  My kids have also transitioned their college courses to online and have no need for this stay-at-home, former homeschool mom’s help!

Do you feel like everyone around you is making a difference?  Do you feel like you’re in limbo?

In good times and in bad, we all have a part to play–even if it’s not obvious.  Ask yourself these questions if you feel like you are doing nothing important:

  • Have I prayed for the sick, the doctors, the first responders, the essential personnel?
  • Have I stayed home as much as I can to prevent the spread?
  • Have I surveyed the stores for current situations of rations and shared that info with others; or, fed my family creatively, using what was on hand?

If you’ve prayed, stayed, or surveyed, you have made an extremely valuable contribution to the cause!  The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 12:12:

“There is one body, but it has many parts.  But all its parts make up one body.”

E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E is needed for the body of Christ.

In verses 18-20 of the same chapter of 1 Corinthians, we are reminded that God’s got us right where He wants us.  We all can’t have the same functions and purposes.  We need to work together, as one body, doing our unique jobs.

But in fact God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.  If they were all one part, where would the body be?  As it is, there are many parts, but one body.”

I suggest you read this whole chapter of 1 Corinthians 12.  It will give you peace in knowing you are essential.  Maybe your essential service is to help, support, love, and pray for those in “essential services”!

Now, do me a favor.  Think of one thing you have done for another during this time of the Coronavirus pandemic.  Acknowledge it.  Tilt your head down.  Feel that big, beautiful crown being placed on your head.  Hold your head up high.  Congratulations!  You are now the worthy owner of your very own “corona”!

May God bless you and keep you healthy!

What? Me Worry?

adult alone anxious black and white

Photo by Kat Jayne on

God knows I like things in 3s…especially confirmations of His voice.  Lately I’ve been asking Him to let me know what I should do about a worrisome situation that’s been heavy on my heart.  Today, I saw a Facebook post by “Time Warp Wife” of Miss Clara, the prayer warrior in the film War Room.

“You need to plead with God to do what only He can do, and then you need to get out of the way and let Him do it.”

Confirmation #1.

Then, my friend Audrey posted a meme with these appropriate words:

“Lord, if it’s not Your will let it slip through my grasp and give me the peace not to worry about it.”

That was confirmation #2!

Finally, because God knows I need to either be hit over the head with a board or encounter something three times to know it’s His voice and not my own thoughts, I opened my Bible, hoping I would randomly turn to a page that had a third confirming verse.  I turned to the book of Ezra.  I don’t remember ever reading Ezra!  I scanned the page that included the end of Chapter 4 and most of Chapter 5.  It contained letters to kings.  Nothing stood out to me until I decided to look where my finger naturally (or perhaps in this case supernaturally) rested on the page.  And there it was!  The verse I needed to see:

“Now issue an order to these men to stop work, so that this city will not be rebuilt until I so order.” (Ezra 4:21)

Yay!  I get it now, God!  I’ve been trying to come up with the perfect course of action on the matter weighing me down. I considered leaving the situation alone, but I always try to fix things myself.  Some things cannot be fixed by our best efforts.  Sometimes, only God can set the wheels into motion.

So, going forward, here is my new action plan:

— I will PRAY and then move out of God’s way

— I will RELEASE worry and not take responsibility for fixing everyone and everything

— I will STOP working on the situation and wait for God to do what He will

We humans forget how small we are and how great God is!  Our Father is the powerful almighty One, who knows all things–past, present, and future.  He understands the game of life:  the players, their strategies, and exactly where the chips will fall.  Our mere mortal minds cannot perceive this.  We think in the now, plus a few years.  He thinks eternally.  Knowing that, it’s ridiculous to think we can change things outside our control, or worry about them.  However, to Him we can pray.  We can pause.  We can praise.

Stress and worry are exhausting.  Go on vacation from it.  Let God refresh you by allowing Him to carry your burdens.  And the next time a difficult situation occurs, you can truly say, “What? Me worry?  No!”

Asking for Miracles

abstract beach bright clouds

Photo by Pixabay on

“But if I were you, I would appeal to God; I would lay my cause before him. He performs wonders that cannot be fathomed, miracles that cannot be counted.”
(Job 5:8-9) 

If you have a seemingly impossible situation–debt you can’t imagine ever getting out of, a health condition your doctor can’t figure out, a relationship that seems cannot be repaired–ASK FOR A MIRACLE! Make your request not to “The Universe”, but to GOD! I think most people don’t think to ask specifically for a miracle in their lives. They might pray that they will feel a little better or that they can pay the bills just this month, but that’s not asking for a miracle. Go whole hog! Ask for God to fix it all. Believe that He can. Then, thank Him when it comes.
All through the Bible, we see examples of God’s miracles. Often, only the New Testament miracles of Jesus come to mind (turning water into wine, the raising of Lazarus from the dead). After Jesus’ death and resurrection, His apostles were given miraculous healing powers. Even Paul, former Christian Killer, was able to heal and raise people from the dead! All this was possible only by proclaiming the name of Jesus and through the power of the Holy Spirit. Also, when reading the Old Testament, God performed miracle after miracle. How else could the Red Sea part or manna come from heaven, or the sun stand still for Joshua…because he asked for a miracle.
“There was no day like that before it or after it, that the LORD listened to the voice of a man; for the LORD fought for Israel.”  (Joshua 10:14)
Do you have a need that seems impossible? Do be afraid to ask for a miracle for yourself! Pray to the One who can make it happen. Have faith. Believe. God loves you!

You Are…

woman stands on mountain over field under cloudy sky at sunrise

Photo by Victor Freitas on

I just got back from dropping my son off at school, so you know what that means–prayer time!  Today was another one of those mornings when I tried to pray, but I was sounding completely inarticulate and distracted.  This was probably due to the conversation about college options on the way to his school!  Gulp!

As I pulled away, I just couldn’t think.  I was at a loss for words, which is very unusual!  I looked ahead as I drove eastward and just squinted in awe at the big yellow ball in the sky.  It was a gorgeous sunrise earlier.  Pinks and blues filled the morning atmosphere.  I couldn’t help but say, “Wow, Lord!  You are amazing!”  Then, “You are such an artist!”

You are.  That became the basis of my prayer time with God.  I started to think of all the attributes and functions of our Father.  They just kept flowing like a river:

You are amazing.

You are strong.

You are merciful.

You are loving.

You are our leader.

You are a disciplinarian.

You are an architect.

You are our hope.

I continued saying, “You are,” more times than Lionel Richie on tour back in the 80s!  I had ten straight minutes of declaring the possessive adjectives and nouns of God! (Sorry!  That was the nerdy homeschool mom in me who used to love diagramming sentences and analyzing the seven sentence structures with her kids coming out!)

This was another form of worship that God revealed to me.  It’s not just about singing.  It’s about recognizing who He is and how great He is.  In my last blog post, “Praying in My Little Red Corvette… Actually, My White Hyundai!” I came to realize worship can be recognizing God’s gifts to others.  Today, I worshiped Him by declaring all of the things that make Him him!  Don’t we feel good when our friends and family tell us something great they see in us?  I imagine it’s the same with God since we were created in His image and likeness.

Worship God every single day.  Worship God in every way!

Is there a unique way you like to worship God?  Please comment! 



Praying in My Little Red Corvette… Actually, My White Hyundai!

adult automobile automotive car

Photo by Pixabay on

Every morning after dropping Paulo off at school, I immediately start saying my prayers…out loud…in the car! Today, I was feeling a little weary from a mentally-exhausting day yesterday. I said, “Lord, I am so sorry, but I just want to listen to some good music right now to decompress. Please accept what I normally say as my prayers, as my prayers today.”
Then, Prince came on the XM 80s channel and I thanked God for the creativity He gave Prince, so I could enjoy his music. He was blessed with so much talent. God gifts. Then, I started thanking God for giving each and every one of us different gifts–gifts we can share with others! It could be the gift of playing musical instruments, accounting abilities, acting as a good coach, or just being the go-to person when someone needs a meal during a trying time. Can any one person possess all of these talents? NO WAY!!! We all need each other, even if we don’t know each other.
This “laziness” in prayer I experienced was actually a good thing–it led me to WORSHIP Him! And to THANK Him! And to PRAISE Him! Isn’t that what we are supposed to do when we pray? That, Folks, is how the Holy Spirit works. Always inspiring us, even when we don’t have the energy to put words together for prayer. Oh, and that thing I said about our different talents? It reminded me of a very popular scripture:

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:1 (NIV)

So, my friends, “Let’s Go Crazy” recognizing and appreciating the God-given talents of everyone we encounter! Next time you hear “I Would Die 4U,” think on the face of Jesus–and worship Him, thank Him, and praise Him.