Just Doing It in 2014!

As the popular Nike tagline goes, “Just Do It” has been ringing in my ears for quite some time.  However, today that ringing sounds like it is coming from the Liberty Bell!  There’s something so wonderful about the dawn of a new year.  It brings motivation, inspiration, and hopefully after all of those Christmas cookies, perspiration!  So, without further adieu, I bring you my very first blog entry!

I love to communicate!  I have a B.A. in Speech Communications.  I’ve been a computer systems trainer.  I’ve edited a corporate division newsletter.  I’ve done voiceovers.  I homeschool and teach in a small co-op.  Yet the thing that qualifies me most to embark on a web log journey–I was the youngest child in my family!  I could NEVER get a word in edgewise!  I still feel that familiar irritation when I’m gathered around family and I can’t say what I want!  Hmmm.  If only I had Facebook, Twitter, or a blog to communicate without interruption my deepest, most relevant thoughts back in the 70s and 80s!

Yours truly has attempted to narrow the focus of the Pamela’s Pulpit into one of the following categories:  homeschooling, motherhood, politics, faith, or humor.  I decided to go with–all of them!  After all, I cannot deny my Type B personality!  I’m all over the place!

Well, now that we’re friends, sit back, relax, grab a hot beverage (or one that comes in a bottle–I won’t judge!), and hopefully your humble servant will inform, enlighten, infuriate, or entertain you in some small way.

Ciao for now!

8 thoughts on “Just Doing It in 2014!

  1. Pamela, you go girl!! So glad Jule and I helped you by never letting you talk as a kid!! Best wishes and I look foward to reading your blog each day. May I suggest an additional category. How about recipes. You always seem to post delicious recipes on facebook. Proud of all your accomplishments. Keep reaching for the stars. Love you, Lori

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